Here something cool (unlike us) we want to here from you yeah you ya herd ma WORDS! Tell us what U think. Just remember keep the naughty comments to yourself, because I can't HANDLE THEM I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry... So give us your feedback... do it come on!
FYI... U DON'T HAVE TO PUT ALL THE INFO LISTED HERE!!! IN FACT U CAN LEAVE EVERYTHING BLANK FOR ALL WE CARE... Actually we care about the comments so just fill them in and don't worry about the info.
Take the How Stupid Are you test! |
1) What is the opposite of red? A) Red B) Peach Cobbler C) Maroon D) Poop
2) Can chickens burp up McDonald's French fries? A) Of course! B) What?!?! C) Only on Fridays D) wow...this is pathetic...
3) Do you like GNSF? (you better answer B or we'll kill you) A) I hate you stupid idiots!
B) I love your show!
C) It's ok but it needs better content
D) Why do you keep asking me these stupid questions!?!?!?
4) When do people sleep? A) When ever they are done drinking
B) In the pm hours...
C) At dawn you fools
D) What?!?!? Why do you care!!!
5) Are you stupid? A) Isn't that the point of the test, to determine if I'm stupid?
B) Yes...
C) No WAY!
D) I'm el confused??????
6) Thank You for taking the test?
X) WHAT?!?!?!?!
Y) Your welcome, may I take your order?
Z) Ok.....
Now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me) nuggets
7) Send you letter answers in on our comments page.
You could write them down and just copy them on to the comments page.
We also need your e-mail to give you your results....... don't worry we
won't send you anything with spam. we delete all e-mails we get after
we're finished with them.